MONDAYS 2:30-3:30pm
Central Citrus Community Center,
2804 W. Marc Knighton Court,
Lecanto, Fl. 34461
Private classes or workshops available to suit your needs
THURSDAYS 1:30-2:30pm
Central Citrus Community Center,
2804 W. Marc Knighton Court,
Lecanto, Fl. 34461
Private classes or workshops available to suit your needs
From Melia, NC:
Instructional Hula DVDs
If you’ve ever wanted to learn to hula dance, Kalina has excellent instructional DVDs that will walk you through every verse and then put it all together at the end. Her video style, filming from the back at an angle into a mirror, allows the motions to be seen front and back so you never accidentally dance it backwards. People across the world are using her DVDs to bring Hawai’i to their corner of the world!
In Person Classes
Kalina teaches in-person dance workshops as the demand arises. Most classes are held in Hernando, FL, but she may travel if the demand is high!
A very precious art form in ancient Hawai’i is feather work. Kalina has been taught by one of the best Lei Hulu practitioners in the world and has been given the kuleana (responsibility) of sharing this skill with others. She can teach you to make a couple of different styles of lei, as well as a hat band. The patterns and colors are up to you!
Kalina can also show you how to make your own hula implements, from pu’ili, ipu, ipu heke, and more. It’s always more meaningful if you dance using your own creations.
From Alison G, London Ontario, Canada:
I love your workshop DVDs. Throughout the years they have enriched my shows with more variety along with a deeper understanding of the stories behind the hulas.
I particularly enjoy the instructional DVDs where you share your own choreographies, step by step. My favourite, Kealoha, still moves audiences every time I perform it and still remains my signature hula after all these years..
Mahalo and Thank-you for everything, Karina.
Alison (London, Ontario)that every student is engaged and challenged.
From Kaunaloa, Martinez CA
I met Karina (Kalina) years ago when I attended a friend’s workshop at her studio. That began a lovely friendship. I found that the recordings of workshops there make you feel as if you are taking the classes. You get the whole experience. She has good use of mirrors so you see everything you need to perform the dances. She provides notes, which can be so important. And she has access to the music matching the choreography. Nothing beats in-person training in a one-to-one class, but this comes close. On top of being an artist and performer in dance herself, she also is a sympathetic business person who understands her clients’ needs and gets orders out promptly. All around five stars across the board. And I’d say this even if we weren’t friends.
From Barbara U, Kona HI:
Aloha, I met Kalina at Hoike Hawaii held every July in Orlando Florida around 2009. She was going to be doing a workshop at her studio and I couldn't make it. Luckily I found out she recorded her workshops so I could actually learn her hula through her DVD. That was the start of my learning her hula dances. These great instructional DVDs include a step sheet for each dance. She teaches each verse and so easy to follow. I appreciate her sharing her knowledge of Hawaii, language and culture through her hula workshops, instructional DVD's and her craft workshops. Feather lei, other types of Lei, ipu etc. I do appreciate you so much and have learned so much through you and your DVD's all these years. Mahalo nui, lots of hugs